How to Organize like an Organizer

Recently, I have upped my organizing material intake. This has in turn made me look around more closely at my environment and realized it has been a while since I have taken stock of what I have and how it is working for me. I have decided its high time I share with you my organizing process.

First, I want to break some illusion you may have that organizers are ALWAYS PERFECTLY ORGANIZED… it just doesn’t happen. We are humans, we sometimes get piles, we cannot always control life or the people in our lives. We generally can bounce back quicker than most because we have a god foundation to work off and in general freak out before it can ever get too bad.

That being said, I am the type of person who has moved on average once every 10-12 MONTHS of my life… so I was regularly doing major declutters, reestablishing systems, etc. However, last year was the first year in my adult life that I ever renewed a lease for my home. In addition to this, I am on my 3 set of roommates, hosted people on AirBnB and had a live-in boyfriend with his two kids on the weekends. My home has seen a lot over the last almost two years, and therefore, I decided it was time to do some overhauling using my personally designed organizing process. This new found energy could also be because I just read a book about minimalism and it really excites me!

I have vowed to take myself through the same organizing processes I work with my clients on, and share the experience with you. You can expect me to share my stories, ideas, thoughts, concerns, and the details of what exactly I have or am doing. I will do my best to share pictures, tips, tricks, and even horror stories.

Organizing Process Step One: Goals

The most important place to start is always with discovering your values, vision, and goals. Stay tuned for a break down on how to discover these three things, what to do with them, and how they play a part in completing the ultimate organizing process.

For more tips and information on whole life organization techniques is your go to resource.

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