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Eric Haave

Agency Vice President Five Rings FinancialFinancial Professional
Cell Phone: 303-842-5692 Website: Financial Expert Eric Haave


After working as a meteorologist for 6 plus years, I decided to trade tornadoes and thunderstorms to become a financial professional with a dream company. 

Working as an Agency VP for Five Rings Financial, my whole focus is on educating and empowering Americans to understand how money works. We go to school for all these years and nobody learns the basics about money and I now have an opportunity to truly make a difference and change that. 

Would you rather protect your car with insurance or non-insurance? Would you rather protect your house with insurance or non-insurance? Of course, insurance…it’s really a silly question! When it comes to an individual’s wealth and retirement, why should it be any different? That is why I am extremely proud to specialize in insurance-based financial products, that guarantee no loss, experience market like returns and can generate lifelong income, that clients can never out live! 


One of the greatest tools our clients learn about is our Five Rings Funnel. It is a tool we use to refinance their finances; much like you would do with a mortgage. 

We work with our clients to find money that they are already spending, but may be misappropriated to find savings to help build: protection, wealth and retirement they never knew was possible. 

We do this by partnering with other experts in various fields like: property and causality agents, real estate agents, mortgage lenders, health insurance agents and many more. With the objective of benefiting our clients and our power partners we work with and trust. 

I am always looking for great power partners and would love to learn about how we can benefit one another and most importantly, our clients.